Thursday, February 27, 2014

G324: Final Locations

We decided our final locations and these were the ones that Jack took. This is because the whole area fits our storyboard the best and we wouldn't have to worry about to many jumps between locations on shots that are supposed to match up. With the complex narrative having jumps between locations on shots that are supposed to match up would present a problem as the narrative would of been harder to follow. Also having jumps between locations on shots that are supposed to match up would hinder us when editing this is because it would be very time consuming trying to find a way of making the visuals flow.

Also the locations that Jack showed us fitted the feel for the music video the best as it had lots of open space where we could potentially be more cleaver with the mise en scene as it would give us more space to set up what was going in the frame for the shot. Furthermore these wider spaces would make it much easier to use the equipment as it would allow us more space to operate allowing us to execute the shots to a higher standard.

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