Sunday, August 25, 2013

G324: Textual Analysis And Goodwin's Theory

Song chosen - Sway -  Still Speedin'

1. Music Videos demonstrate certain gene characteristics.

I think that this song has certain gene characteristics because it has a car in it (hence the name of the song “Still Speedin’”), there are close ups to show the characteristics of the hip hop artist, there are attractive women in the video, the artist is also involved in the music video as well and is the centre of attention. These conventions are typically shown in hip hop music videos.
2. Relationship between lyrics and visuals. Often illustrative but could amplify or contradict the lyrics.

There aren’t really many lyrics relating to the visuals but ones that I did pick up on were where Dynamo makes a cameo appearance when Sway says the lines “Time to blow like Dynamo, no more disappearing act”.  Another line is where “Seat belt” is said and it shows a seat belt but other than that there isn't anything else that I could pick out.

3. Relationship between lyrics and visuals. Often illustrative but could amplify or contradict the lyrics.

There isn’t any link between the music and the video really which is typical for a hip hop video.

4. The demands of the record label are that there are lots of close ups of the artist.

In this music video there are a lot of close ups of Sway, this is most likely because his record company has told him to be in a lot of the close up shots so you know that he is the artist doing the music video.

5. The artist might develop motifs or iconography that recur across their work. (A visual style).
Sway’s typical look in a music video is to wear glasses, I guess this is another way of showing off his style and you can recognise him easily if that is his particular style and in this music video he wears blacked out glasses.
6. There is frequent reference to the notion of "looking" such as the male gaze theory and voyeuristic looking at females.

I think that there are some voyeuristic bits in the music video nearer to the end where you see a woman undressing and this can also relate to the male gaze theory as she is shown in a way that is meant to interest men.

7. There are often intertextual references. Mostly to film, television and popular culture.

With this song I don't think there are any intertextual references. Although I did pick up on a few of the lyrics which were "Bobs your uncle, mines uncle Phil again" and I think thet line is perhaps related to Fresh Prince because Will Smiths dad is called Bob and Sway says he was raised by a dude as cool as him, as well as that, "Bobs your uncle" is a famous saying so that line might have a few different meanings.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

G324: Goodwin's Theory

Goodwin's Theory suggests that there are 7 elements present in most music videos, these are;

1. Music Videos demonstrate certain genre characteristics. e.g. Stage performance in a metal/rock video(Kiss), dance routines in a boy/girl bands video (JLS) or blinged up women/men in rap/hip hop videos (2 Chainz).

 2. Relationship between lyrics and video. These are often illustrative but could amplify or contradict the lyrics. e.g. Taylor Swift - We Are Never Getting Back Together.

3. Relationships between lyrics and visuals. These are often illustrative but could amplify or contradict the lyrics. e.g. Daft Punk - Around the World.

4. The demands of the record label are that the artist/band has a lot of close ups. e.g. Britney Spears - Piece Of Me.

5. The artist might develop motifs or iconography that recur across their work (A visual style). The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army. Man holding guitar and the woman playing her drums.


6. There is frequent reference to the notion of "looking" such as male gaze theory and voyeuristic looking at females. e.g. 50 Cent - Candy Shop.

7. There are often intertextual references - Mostly to film, television and popular culture. e.g. Plan B with the song and film Ill Manors.


Friday, August 2, 2013

G324: The Purpose of A Music Video

A music video is a short film which integrates a song and imagery, produced mainly for promotional purposes but are also considered artistic as well. Modern music videos are typically made and used for marketing devices intended to promote the sale of music recordings.

Music Videos are made for a whole host of reasons:
  • Entertainment Purposes (the reason why I have chosen Michael Jackson's - Thriller is because it is the best and most well known entertainment music video/feature film)

  • To promote the artist/band (this videos promotes Rihanna because it is a promotional video for her new album LOUD)

  • To help the artist's/band's singles to be heard globally (on a mass scale) (this song "Gangnam Style" was a massive success on YouTube therefore it was heard globally and so far has racked up 1.7 billion views)

  • To give the audience an incentive to see the artist/band live (at the end of this song there is a performance bit where it shows a snippet of them singing along to the lyrics at a festival, this will give the audience an incentive to see the artist live)

  • To link with a Film/TV Series (Intertextual references of stories in Newspapers used in Paparazzi by Lady Gaga below).

  • To invoke reactions (This song "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood has sexual nature behind the lyrics and invoked a reaction with the public when they realised what the meaning behind the words were).

  • To ensure people remember the song/video (this song by Rebecca Black is really annoying, therefore makes people remember the song/video)