Friday, January 31, 2014

G324: Rough Cut 1 & Feedback

This is our first rough cut for our music video. It is a very basic version of what hope our video to look like. Most of the editing has been simply cutting the clips we took to fit the song and then placing them so that they match up to our storyboard. We did however use some other editing techniques and transition; the most obvious of which would be the into-television transition at 2:12. As this is our first rough cut, some of the clips are not completely in sync with the song, however these are aspect that we are currently rectifying in our post production phase. We are also planning on re-filming some of the shots. For example, we are going to film a shot of Amy locking the door so that the window-climbing shot is more justified (allows it to flow).

We have received some feedback on our music video from target audience members, the positives and negatives of rough cut 1 are;

  • OTS shots are good
  • Majority of lip syncing is well done
  • The lighting is good
  • The cuts are well timed
  • Framing is good
  • Good range of shots
  • Interesting shots
  • Good locations
  • Clear storyline
  • Transitions are really good
  • Flows nicely
  • Storyline links to the lyrics
  • Like that couple in video are wearing similar clothes
  • Appropriate shots for genre
  • Fits generic conventions
  • Pacing of shots work well
  • Some lip syncing is a bit off
  • ECU of mouth is blurry
  • Some shots repeat
  • TV should turn on
  • Camera is shaky on some shots
  • Some shots are slightly out of focus
  • Some shots are too long
  • SRS looks weird
  • Gaps with no footage need to be filled
  • Unclear why actor is climbing through window
  • Well polished and falls away at the end
  • Some colour corrections are needed
  • Not complete
  • Wider variety of shots could be used
  • Repetition could be confusing
  • Shorter and more shots in flashback
  • Chorus is too repetitive
  • Add in names and candidate at start
  • Tracking/handheld shots are wobbly
At the moment there are more negatives than positives, we hope to correct the negatives and have more positives than negatives on the next rough cut. We aim to get rid off all of the negative comments by our final cut.

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